
Here is a poem that Loren wrote:

The Hammer Deserves no Applause
At the end of the day when the job is complete and the hammer has done its work well.
It has worked in the cold of the morning hours and at noon when the temperatures swell.
It has driven the nails that will hold the work fast; it has labored all the day without pause.
But the hammer has only been used by the master, the hammer deserves no applause.

The preacher is somewhat like that old hammer he drives the truth home with a flair.
The crowds are attentive when the message is given, and they’re glad that they have been there.
Many hours he has spent with his Bible in hand seeking wisdom to guide in his days.
But when all the works over and the message is given the preacher should not get the praise.

The people are silent, on the edge of their chairs as sweet music fills all the space. 
The gifted musician for this moment has practiced and joy is on each upturned face.
The voice of the singer is most awe inspiring and everyone whispers their name.
But when the notes die and the song has been sung it is God that deserves the Acclaim.

We each can have a place in God’s cause; He needs workers to get the job done.
Like tools all arranged in the carpenter’s box there’s a place in His work for each one.
God has given you gifts that are one of a kind; He needs your skills in His cause.
Just remember that when the job is complete the hammer deserves no applause.

                                                                                                                                                                                Loren Mandigo © 2010

This song Loren wrote for the DIIC graduation.  It fit so the children and I sang it at Loren’s funeral and just changed this year to these years.  A friend of ours later wrote us an email and said, “Loren just graduated in God’s school.”

Follow God’s Plan

Remember our good times together
weather working or playing these years.
We’ve been blessed as we’ve gotten to know you
And to share this experience here.
Now let’s follow the path of God’s choosing,
He has a plan just for you.
Stay always connected with Jesus
And He will carry you through.

You have done the work set before you
Been faithful in good times or strife.
Now let’s write the last words of this chapter
For we’ll soon turn this page of our life.
So let’s follow the path of God’s choosing,
He has a plan just for you.
Stay always connected with Jesus
And He will carry you through.

The life on this earth we’ve been given
Is too short to do all that we would.
So let’s fix our eyes upon Heaven
Where time will go on as it should.
And let’s follow the path of God’s choosing,
He has a plan just for you.
Stay always connected with Jesus
And He will carry you through.

 © Loren Mandigo 2010

This next song was originally written for our new pastor in 2009 and then it turned in to our mission theme song.  After praying together Loren came up with the idea of the chorus and each child came up with the idea for a verse.  Then Loren took these ideas and with God’s guidance this song was written.

Heed the Call

No sooner do we answer the gracious call of God
than to each of us is given to share the Savior’s Love.
The field of our labor may be near or far away;
there’s reward for those who labor to the closing of the day.

God could have used His angels to carry out His plan,
but the spreading of the message He entrusts to chosen man.
To believers He has given to wear the yoke of Christ
and the burden, He has promised, will to each of us seem light.

Because you’ve undertaken the work and give your all
others will be strengthened to heed the Master’s call.
The labor of the faithful, though at times may be a test,
will to others be a beacon saying come and give your best.

There are burdens for the faithful and the work seems never done.
Troubles seem to taunt us and we loose our strength to run.
But if we will not falter when the going gets too rough
when all tears are wiped away we’ll say “heaven’s cheap enough”.


Just as sure as a home in heaven there is a place on earth
God gives to each the special task of relieving someone’s hurt.
Just as sure as a home in heaven there is a place on earth
where we can be used of God to finish His work.

            Loren Mandigo & family© 2009

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